"Alan made the firearms training course interactive and engaging! I highly recommend him to complete your PAL." - Renée Canadian Firearms Safety Courses (CFSC) are required to get your Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) and Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence (RPAL). 4-8 students per class. Our Combined Course offers the Non Restricted and Restricted CFSC courses taught over a two day period (Saturday and Sunday). This results in a much more relaxed and low pressure learning environment. Cost $240 (A $20 savings off the individual course prices!). We are back teaching our Combined Courses on weekends. Maximum 8 students per class. We are running Non-Restricted courses by themselves the first weekend of the month. Class runs from 9-6 on Saturday AND 9-12ish on Sunday. Attendance at both days is required. Cost is $140 #201 4148-76 ave (Upstairs in the Alberta Spring and Trailer building). Call or text Alan to register 780-413-7597.